12th FEB 91
title: as usual, study day! but end up, we watch videos & went to jurong point to get my strings pictures!
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title: i miss your kisses &&& you made my heart skip,skip,SKIP! :)) |
title: badminton, as usual. :)) was fun! but stupid SERVANT AHMAD, keep aimin me. IDIOT! purposely don want to join ur team, what can u do? *neh-neh-bu-bu* dinner-ed at KFC. WOW! so HEALTHY! straight after exercisin, eat KFC. ok, im sleepy~. headaches everyday. better sleep earlier. SERVANT AHMAD, LOOK HERE!!! i NEED MORE MASKSSSS!!! &&& i WANT MASHMALLOW & MILK TEA!!! |
title: people, esp SERVANT AHMAD, i don hav new boyfriend or wat lar. its just that i think the lyrics is kind of sweet. but not to the chorus part. cuz tat part very sad. :)) |
title: sing "25minutes" to me &my heart will b urs. :)) |
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title: i didnt get tennis for my S&W. but i gt hip-hop instead. zzzzz cant believe nor imagine im in HIP-HOP! &&& i burnt my finger. super duper extrememly PAIN! though its jus a small area. im very restless,moodless&emo today. &i have no idea why. emo till ALMOST cried during work. but i hold back the tears. stressed up?? maybe. by wat? i have no idea. ((fill in the blanks)) *faking a smile so that..............* :) |
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title: in a few hrs time, im goin for my dental surgery. donno how itis goin to be. pain? numb? or jus peanut? will blog&maybe pictures later,tonight. but im still sad. :( |
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title: will update my week soon. &&& pimples r having party on my face. DAMN IT! !#$%^&*@ i still love you,sweet. &it will never change. |