12th FEB 91
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title: 因為愛你, 所以放手還你自由. 因為愛你, 所以不再讓你困擾. 因為愛你, 所以寧願自己難過. 因為愛你, 所以我逼自己離開. 愛上一个人, 如此的甜蜜卻又讓人受傷害. 放棄一个人, 如此的難過卻又讓人心碎. 如果我還一直深愛著你, 你是否還會待在我身邊? 如果我還一直在乎著你, 你是否會再多看我一眼? 是否我已不存在了, 你才感覺的到我的離開? 是否我已離開了, 你才感覺的到我對你的好? 珍惜身旁的每一个人, 不要等到失去, 才瞭解到遺憾. 和後悔是如此的痛苦.... hmmm. saw this at an email. it make sense,right? :) |
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title: i was bored. so i went to do all this quizzes. don think its true. but it kills time.
title: OUCH! i sprain my wrist. need wrist guard ASAP. any idea where to get? *full-stop* |
title: great! this is what you think: im the reason... your didnt patch. that she dont have time to go out with you. this is what i did: im jus trying... to cheer her up. &i did ask her to think twice or even TRICE. fine lor. yah, im the BAD person. &&now u r goin to tell HIM what will happen to both of them. GREAT! GOOD THAT YOUR HELPING YOUR FRIEND! &also saying my DARK SECRET out. thank you. but FYI, i don deserved your FUCK UP FACE!!! !#$%^&*@#$%^&!#$%$%#@!!!^&* |
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title: what are you to boss me around? jus because u r a few batches before me? when i first stepped into the shop, i saw you. i thought you were a nice&friendly girl. but, im so sO SO WRONG! you're just a bitch-in-disguise! before WT&D came, i asked you like a million times, if there is anything i can do, as i have finished all the chores that i can do in sight. &you replied, "nothing" i asked you if there is a need to open new bulk for the ice-creamSS, as it only left very very little. &you replied, "actually dont need" &&you were wearing ur flip-flop. after WT&D came, you took out new bulk to refill the ice-creams, when you told me don hav to refill. you started to be so busy, that i practically seemed to be the free loader here. &&you were wearing ur black pokka dots shoes. i asked you if i need to go out&ask if that particular customer wants anything, &you replied, "we didnt include customer service charges in, so we dont have to." is that what you learnt during your training? thats definitely not what i had learnt. i learnt that, the reason fullerton hotel is rank 6star, is cause, of their good service. they go the extra miles to help their customers, making sure they feel at home &so that they would come back again. from what you said, it gives me the idea that, after passin the ice-creams to customers, thats the end, nothing else. *im confused though.* |
title: i had a short flash back while on the bus, then i notice.... popcorn&lolipop have changed. be it looks,character or maturity. lolipop is..... not as siao-ding-dong as before, not as baby fats as before, &definitely, more handsome&mature than before. popcorn is..... not as kiddo as before, not as blur as before, &of cuz, know how to dress&understand our conversation than before. no matter wat, POPCORN&LOLIPOP r LOVED!! &&& WHEN MEETIN UP AGAIN?!?! |
title: sentosa!! with dumbdumb. the weather was GREAT! but, didnt drink enough water. so now, ulcers! SHIT! &&didnt eat anythin before tat, thus felt super bloated, after gobbling down 1grilled fillet from.. SUPERDOG!! *my favourite makan place after sentosa* doubly bubbly happy! :))))))))))))) *B&J tomolo* |
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title: 1st day of B&J's training! only 1 word to describe e whole 4hrs.. FUN! =DD met many new friends!! like shufen,johanna,joan.blahblahblah. learnt how to scoop 3oz ice-cream. &&& went out with JOAN after training! ate&slack.